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Policy versus Procedure: The Fundamentals


…behind every policy is a procedure.

Policies complement procedures. It is impossible to isolate either of them because they are interrelated.

What is A Policy?

A policy is a stipulated course of action to achieve agreed goals. It is a set of ideas or plans determining what must be done in specific situations. The concept is a result of an official agreement among business operatives.

Policies help create critical activities and strategies. The objective is to guide decision-makers in managing activities without deviating from the original vision. The policy also plays the role of a link between the vision and operations of the business.

How About A Procedure?

A procedure is the counterpart of a policy. It contains the instructions or the ‘modus operand’ that must be upheld to achieve policy objectives. A procedure is a step-by-step plan for implementing the policy within the business.

A policy outlines the rules, while a procedure defines the execution part of the process. It also outlines the process’s ‘who’ and ‘how’ phenomenon to minimise confusion.

Management uses procedures to control activities to exonerate the business from costly mistakes. Procedures minimise misconceptions that arise out of position descriptions. Administrators can control events based on stipulated guidelines/policies for implementing tasks effectively.

Why Companies Operate Without Policies

Companies present various reasons for operating without policies and procedures. The most prominent ones are listed below.

Time Constraints

…. time is as good as money.

Companies need policies and procedures, but time allocation is the main challenge. There is just no time to write them. Depending on the existing structures, staff dedicate most of their time to the core business operations.

That means there will be no spare time to write policies. However, there is an exception for companies with in-house staff specifically employed as policy writers.

Most companies operate without policies because they are preoccupied with primary operations. Not only is time a limitation, but they also need a budget to hire external policy writers. Regardless of the obstacles, the benefits of operating with policies outweigh the setbacks.

Lack of Skilled Writers

Not many people are equipped with the skills to write policies. Most companies have the information but lack the expertise to write them. There may be in-house writers, but most require training to match modern-day writing standards.


…. education rules the world.

Some companies operate without policies because they underestimate their relevance. Lack of information is a contributing factor. No business will invest in a document that they do not value. Consumer education minimises the prevalence of companies operating without designated policies.

Lack of Resources

Other businesses lack resources to finance the policy writing process. Policies demand time and financial input, a factor which is a challenge for some companies.

The process involves extensive consultative engagements within various departments in the organisation. One must consider staff training, information gathering, drafting and policy approval. Considering the time, expertise, and funding, companies are forced to operate without stipulated policies.

Misplaced Belief Systems

Others believe that policies are for large companies, hence irrelevant to small business organisations. They believe policing applies when the business grows to a certain threshold.

Regardless of the size of your business, policies are mandatory. The concept enforces operational discipline. Operating with policies eliminates conflicts and enforces safety and transparency.

Concept Overview

Regardless of the nature of the industry, policies and procedures are a requirement. The notion enables the business to operate effectively. Every policy is designed with the objective of operational compliance.

Policies and procedures are a guide to the organisation. They reduce the risk of liability. Every business must embrace consistency, enabling the company to gain credibility. That can only be achieved with the help of operational policies.

Think about it: can your business survive without policies?

For all your policy writing prospects, contact us for a free consultation. Alternatively, you can email us at ediediting@rocketmail.com




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