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Ecommerce Development


Edi Editing Services has the capacity for e-commerce development. Our developers worked for reputable businesses around the corporate world. We have the latest, state-of-the-art equipment. The company can manage development projects at a business-to-business level of operation.


What is E-Commerce? 

E-commerce is the concept of buying and selling goods and services through online platforms. It involves processing commercial transactions. The process involves mobile applications, tablets, and other gadgets.

E-commerce Development is the front-end development of e-commerce sites. That includes the checkout systems, payment processing and site security protocols. Electronic commerce is about companies and individuals who buy and sell goods online.

The process is conducted through electronic devices (phones, computers, and other smart devices). The concept has become popular because one can trade on any product without restrictions.

Benefits of E-Commerce

E-commerce is cost-effective in terms of distribution and processing. The products are posted to the client, thus minimising transport costs. Their process is not limited by geographical location. Products can be transported on a global scale because of e-commerce convenience.

The system accommodates a variety of products and services. The facility is limited in terms of perishables and delicate products. Customers choose products that align with their needs.

Because of high-tech cameras, customers can view the product and make a choice. There is no need to visit the shop to view products. Instead, products will be displayed on the websites. However, some images may be edited to create false demand.

‘The world has become a global marketplace accessible through the ‘touch of a button’

E-commerce is always available on a 24-7 basis. Customers do not have to wait for business hours to order products. One can shop from any location around the world, provided there is an internet connection.

Due to the online publicity, customers can view supplier reviews. That is a strategy used by customers worldwide. Customers use reviews to determine suppliers with credible reputations.  

E-commerce allows businesses to collect data about customers. They can use the data to determine consumer behaviour and buying patterns. That can help businesses to plan and align products according to customer preferences. 

What Are The Limitations?

‘Limitations are necessary because they promote innovation.’

The concept is subject to abuse by cybercriminals. Criminals take advantage of the online nature of the process to commit fraudulent operations. It is not possible to verify genuineness without a face-to-face interaction.

Some products are not suitable for online trading, e.g. perishables. Because of refrigeration requirements, perishables are not eligible for online trading. Delicate products are subject to higher insurance fees. That makes the product dearer than the original price structure.

It is subject to late deliveries because of third-party involvement. Late deliveries by third-party contractors affect the reputation of the supplier. Delivery companies are part of the chain, hence the drawback for the supplier.    

The process lacks privacy. Customers are mandated to disclose personal details to fulfil contractual obligations. Personal information can be subjected to identity theft. The process violates personal privacy, given the accessibility of online data.

Trading with offshore clients is limited by different Cyber laws between nations. Some countries have laws that restrict online practices. Despite having similar laws, offshore processes are subject to clearance. That may cause delays.