House cleaning

Making your life easier

Come home to a clean house without the hassle of an endless list of chores! Our cleaning services in Sydney are the best home cleaning service you will find. We have meticulous attention to detail and always do a fantastic job making your home looking sparkling and clean.

Spend your time doing the things you enjoy and leave the scrubbing of bathrooms, cleaning of floors, windows, kitchens, and all of your other chores to us!

Domestic House Cleaning Services

If you are searching for Domestic House Cleaning Services near you, you are at the right place with Sydney Clean Service! We provide a local, professional house cleaning service. Our professional domestic cleaning service will leave your home gleaming and free up your time so that you can enjoy relaxing, instead of doing your household chores. Each Bright & Beautiful branch provides a fully managed service with teams of dedicated domestic cleaners delivering exceptional cleaning throughout Sydney. Our services range from one-off deep cleaning jobs to regular domestic cleaning. We put a great deal of pride into every home we serve, to ensure we delight every customer.

Domestic Cleaning Sydney

Are you looking for the right cleaning company to make your home look as good as new? Look no further than Sydney Clean Service! Domestic cleaning is a popular cleaning of people's homes, often every week or fortnight. It includes basic dusting of all surfaces and items, including hidden parts like ceilings and skirting boards, and then floor cleaning through the vacuum cleaner or mopping. We're a bunch of fun misfits who are on a mission to WOW you with outstanding treatment. We believe a good, fresh clean will help create a happy home. To that end, we focus on providing a seamless online booking experience, top-notch customer service, and quality cleaners. Book your service and relax. We'll go above and beyond to bring happiness to your home.

Domestic Cleaning Services Sydney

Looking for Sydney Domestic Cleaning Services? Look no further than Sydney Clean Service!

If we were anything like your typical Sydney metropolitan domestic cleaning company, Sydney Clean Service wouldn’t exist! We’ve put in a tremendous amount of time and effort to build a cleaning company that we would be happy to hire ourselves! Lightning-fast customer service, a simple online booking system, and the most experienced cleaners who are fully insured and reliable are just a few of the perks.

At Sydney Clean Service, we come highly recommended and cover all your house cleaning needs.

Our specialties in Domestic Cleaning include the following:

  • A Trained, Professional, and Highly Experienced Cleaning Team
  • All Equipment and Chemicals Provided
  • Unlimited, Responsive Customer Service Through Live Chat, Phone & Email
  • Insured Service Against Damages
  • Industry Leading Service Satisfaction Guarantee
  • We're Guaranteed To Show Up Or It's Free

Our Sydney House Cleaning Services

Our Sydney home cleaning services are designed to make your life easier and can be done as a one-off deep cleaning solution, or as a regular cleaning service. Your house cleaner will take care of all the cleaning tasks and cleaning needs of your home. Our list of cleaning tasks varies from house to house depending on those needs. Things we can clean include:

  • Bathroom cleaning - including cleaning showers, baths, toilets, mirrors, vanities, mopping floors, and more. You can combine this with our professional tile and grout cleaning to get your floors looking incredible.
  • Kitchen cleaning - including oven cleaning, fridge cleaning, cleaning sinks, taps, cooktops, benches, cupboards, the microwave, mopping floors, and more.
  • Living areas, bedrooms, and general areas - including dusting, making beds, vacuuming floors, cleaning window sills and windows, cleaning blinds, kickboards, air vents, and more.

This is a basic list of some of the things we can clean. Each home's cleaning needs may vary and we can work out a customised list of cleaning tasks to keep your home clean.

House cleaning options

Regular cleaning services

Take the pressure off your day to day life and have a cleaner take care of your household chores on a regular basis. We can take care of your bathrooms, floors, kitchen, dusting, and more while you are busy at work. Come home to your house feeling fabulous and fresh!

Regular cleaning can be done weekly, fortnightly, or even monthly if you just need that little cleaning boost.

Spring Cleaning

Book us in for a one-off spring clean to make your house feel like new! We highly recommend our deep cleaning service to take your home's cleanliness to the next level. Leave all the painstaking jobs to us. We can do those things that aren't done regularly like cleaning out cupboards and taking care of things like oven cleaning and window cleaning.

Party Cleaning

Our one-off cleaning can be a lifesaver after a party. Leave us to take care of your party clean up so you can enjoy your celebrations! Whatever the event or occasion, our team can look after the cleanup and mess afterward to make your life easier.

Expert cleaners

Our Sydney cleaning teams have a high standard of cleanliness, so you can trust us to do an excellent job. Every cleaner is highly trained in both the theoretical and practical components of a professional cleaning service. We know exactly what product to use for each job and have professional-grade cleaning equipment to get the job done quickly with high-level quality and cleanliness. Along with our years of experience providing a high-quality domestic cleaning service to Sydney homes, this makes us the best house cleaners in Sydney.

Our cleaning products

We know that the cleaning products we use can have an impact on you, your family, and the environment. We are mindful of this and choose only the best products that are safe for your family and the environment. Our environmentally friendly products will give you a professional house cleaning service while also taking care of you and the earth.

All in one cleaning team

One of the things that make us stand out from other cleaning companies is our wide range of cleaning services in Sydney. We don't just do domestic cleaning in Sydney - we can also take care of your carpet cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, office cleaning, end of lease cleaning, pest control, and lawn mowing. Our wide range of service options means that we are your one-stop Sydney cleaning team.

Combine your regular house cleaning with lawn mowing services and carpet cleaning to get all your domestic needs taken care of with one easy, reliable contact.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - NDIS Cleaning

There are a wide variety of carpet cleaning services that we offer. We can clean single rooms, do rug cleaning, or entire office spaces. The variety of carpet steam cleaning options makes it difficult to give a one-price-fits-all estimate. To make sure you are given the absolute best and most competitive price, we deliver free quotes for all our cleaning services in Sydney. Whatever your job, we will give you a customised quote to ensure you get the best price for making your carpet look brand new.

Our Sydney carpet cleaning is done with our expert carpet cleaning machine by one of our expert cleaners. It first heats the water to above boiling point to create steam. The steam is injected into the fibers of your carpet or rug. The brushes on the machine scrub and help to loosen any stains or dirt that are deeply embedded in the carpet. The powerful vacuum then sucks up the water and dirt, leaving your carpet fresh and clean.

Hiring a machine to clean your carpets yourself is of course an option, but it comes with a lot of extra hassle and stress. You have to transport the machine, learn to use it, and make sure it's the right sort of machine for your carpets. Using carpet cleaning experts from a Sydney carpet cleaning company like us ensures your carpets get the proper care and makes sure stain removal is effective. Our cleaning services in the Sydney area are designed to make cleaning the carpet an easy job

About Us

We are a leading house cleaning service provider in Sydney, New South Wales, with years of experience and highly trained cleaning teams.

We have a wide range of other service options including our:

  • End of lease cleaning service
  • Carpet cleaning service
  • Tile and grout cleaning service
  • Lawn mowing service
  • Pest control service
  • Commercial office cleaning service

As the best Sydney cleaning company, we have a strong commitment to providing high-quality services and customer service.

Contact Us

Contact us today for your free, no-obligation quote. Got questions? If you can't find the answer in our list of frequently asked questions, give us a call and speak to one of our friendly Sydney cleaning professionals to find out more.